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26 Aug 2021 | Industry Insights

How Twinview improves the occupier experience

The rise of IoT devices has been vast and the extension of the web’s connectivity into physical devices and everyday objects means that buildings and workplaces are becoming smarter. 

It is estimated that 26.6 billion devices such as smartphones, laptops and computers are connected to the internet. This figure is expected to rise to about 80 billion by 2025, an astonishing feat in such little time. What does this mean for the workplace? It means there will be increased productivity, higher efficiency, better forecasting and improved agility for occupiers. 

IoT can offer capabilities that optimise the utilisation of space, matches resource supply and demand whilst targeting the delivery of amenities and services. Furthermore, it can improve the culture, community and cohesion of workspaces all whilst offering the valuable data and insights that inform a business and drives true value for real estate owners. 

Here are some key areas where Twinview is improving the occupier experience. 

Keeps spaces comfortable 

It has always been a challenge to regulate temperatures for spaces whilst also keeping employees content, however, this challenge is now becoming a thing of the past as Twinview offers occupiers access to benefits such as heating control, lighting control and air quality reporting. Not only does this reduce energy costs but it also lowers a building’s carbon footprint. 

Connects employees to their environment 

Office workers can often feel frustrated at their lack of being able to find meeting rooms or spaces with availability. Gartner has estimated that the average employee spends 27 hours per year looking for spaces to meet. Twinview is a browser-based digital twin and the launch of Smartview will ensure that occupiers can carry out a range of activities such as room availability and booking. 

Streamlines disjointed systems 

Ensuring that workspaces are operational and functional should always be the priority for occupiers. Buildings used to operate via fragmented systems before the rise of IoT. Key systems such as HVAC and lighting are typically used to work within their own separate networks but with IoT-connected devices, all of these can operate together within a streamlined ecosystem. 

Twinview is a browser-based digital twin platform for the property sector connecting building systems’ data to a 3D model viewed on a single dashboard. Twinview becomes your first step to achieving Net Zero by providing continuous live data and an optimised building performance whilst reducing costs and improving the user experience. Book a demo today.